KRJ Ethical Framework
KRJ abides by a set of values and best practice that governs our work with clients, volunteers and staff. RJ programs have common values which are fundamental to ensuring that restorative justice approaches remain consistent with the philosophy underpinning it. KRJ’s ethical framework is adapted from The Correctional Service of Canada’s common elements, Aboriginal teachings and restorative justice writings.
What is Restorative Justice?
Restorative justice places emphasis on repairing harm caused by conflict and crime. Restorative justice involves the participation of those who have been harmed, those who have caused harm and the community affected by the crime in finding solutions that seek to repair harm and promote harmony. Cases are referred by the RCMP and delivered by the program as an alternative to the court system in BC.

Creating Opportunities for Healing
“I’m really happy we are able to have this program here in our community. I found the experience very respectful and fair to both parties involved.”

Contact Us
Kootenay Restorative Justice Program
W.E. Graham Community Service Society
Phone: 250-355-2484
Fax: 250-355-2389